Thursday, April 24, 2008

We finally received images of Thien Nhan's injuries taken on April 11 at Samitivej Hospital, Bangkok, and have forwarded these scans to doctors in the US and Hong Kong. The wonderful people at War Legacies have introduced Thien Nhan to the Shriner Hospital in Boston, and we're keeping our fingers crossed that they will agree to do the initial surgery that needs on his urethra for free...
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To Thien Nhan: my love, ignore this kind of person. You lost a lot of things, but gained only ONE thing. However, that one thing is the most precious gift of all: LOVE. You've got love from your mom, dad, brothers, grandmom, Elka. You'got my love, and love from people you've never met before. Keep this love warm in your heart. You can loose everything, but LOVE, you have it forever.
Thu+o+ng con nhie^`u, Thie^.n Nha^n
From California, USA
To random_guy: YOU HAVE NO HEART. The story of Thien Nhan made me and many other people from different countries cry, but you made fun of him. You even made an effort to log in and posted your 'not accepted' comment. For sure bad things will come to you, and no one will bother to care for a cold-blood person like you.
you know what? evenif you ahve one, you are worse than a dog. you dont even deserve one. ALOT of people care for him.
Everyone loves him.
awww- does anyone love you?
To random_guy: Can you pls stop commenting all this rubbish when you are not even intending to help thien nhan.
Perhaps you are just those little childish kids out there. Oh well,i guess i'm correct.
I think you are jealous of thien nhan being love by so many people uh?
Cos you got no one to love you. Oh thats so sad but..too bad.!
i feel so sorry for him =(
I read abt Thien Nhan on ChewOnIt... Hope this baby will grow up well! Random guy u are juz so childish ):
Random Guy, you're a disgrace to all humanities and I'm very ashamed to know that you are a Singaporean. Please keep your insensitive comment to yourself. Can you imagine if your beloved one or yourself suffer the same fate as this poor little boy, see if you still be so mean. I always believe in karma, what goes around, comes around 3 times!
mans. how can you be so lame laas. -.- who cares whether im young. :D i still have a heart. LOL. im here!! lollol. T.T so mean lorh. =.= what kind of a person are you?? even those people outside like those who are stuck-up or wadever also care. unlike some idiot blabbering about whether he has a dick anot, compared to thien nhan. -.-
EMAL. lol. -.-
He no dick better than you, dickhead.
raNdom guy, eVer hEard of kaRma?
random guy you brainless stupid son of a *****! What is the matter with you?! You're laughing at him cause he's different? What is your problem?! You don't have one and are you trying to find someone like you? Just change the context and the last word and you could be a racist or a insensitive fool! I herebt COMMAND you to REMOVE the comment as soon as you READ this!
the guy is one insensitive 'dick'!! yuk- give a bad name to singapore, hoh???
dysfunctional idiot u are, random guy. u'll find yourself one day being treated exactly the way you treat others. infact u are experiencing it now.... life's indeed stuck for u - no true friend, no true love.
To:Random guy, you give that kind of comment... now people are wondering if you have a heart well i think not...only a guy with no heart would give such a comment.if you have one pls remove the STUPID comment and say sorry,after that,donate money.This is the least you can do. Any other types of your STUPID comments isn't welcome.
leave random guy alone. he is juz plain jealous of Thien Nhan... fancy dat! an adult jealous of a kid? kinda makes him look damn wimpy rite? since u are nasty to thien nhan, i shall b nasty with u. 2 can play in this game:)
I won't do such a thing as I believe in retributin. Random guy may just get what he has cruelly said here (in a next life with no dick?).
OI!!! random guy...i guess u got nothing else 2 do right.. Wat if it was u,then i tink no one would wan 2 help u..den i tink u r a real DUMBO!=_=
Shut up la random guy. so annoying. want to make fun of people then make fun elsewhere. he have no 'dick' you have a lot meh? ...
Oh gosh Random Guy you are already a 14 year old boy and you are picking on a little boy. Don't you have any compassion? hmm so this is The kind of student Bedok North Secondary School Is Producing huh *Shake Heads* such a disgrace to your school
whee...my comment showed that ppl do care xD
well actually sry
i have no idea what that random guy said but i'm sure its bad. cant stand people like that.
to Random-guy: you will one day feel wat comment you made to him good luckon felling the bad way!!!!!!!!!!
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