Just when
Thien Nhan and his two big brothers were all finally free of the flu, their mom,
Mai Anh, fainted and hit her head. She ended up in hospital where CAT scans revealed that she'd suffered swelling of the brain. Luckily, with rest, she will recover! The family deserves a "frequent customer discount card" at the local hospital, of the type handed out in coffee shops...
Ordered to rest in bed, where she's hooked up to an IV, Mai Anh has had good company. Check out this adorable picture of the three boys, sleeping like angels!
Hope Mummy Mai Anh will make a speedy recover. She is too tired. Rest Well. Thien Nhan, I hope you will have a favourable medical report out soon.
Thanks! We're all anxious to get the test results... Soon, we hope!
Mummy Mai Anh, please take good care of yourself as you still have your three lovely boys waiting to share their wonderful lives with you. You and all will be in our prayers. Take care and God bless. : )
Wishing all the best for all of you. Take care and get well soon, Mai Anh.
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